Friday, September 10, 2010

Marketing Mohammad

Ok, lets face it.  The Muslims have a PR problem. 

After a few bad apples went and messed up New York's financial district, they decided that what the neighborhood could really use is a brand new mosque!  

Nice try.

Lacking Christianity's great marketing devices; baby Jesus, Santa Clause (yes, ol' St. Nick is christian), and the Easter bunny (balances that whole cross thing), you would think that the Islamic world would come up with something . . .  something really good to pick up that slack.

Their PR campaign has made some headway -- yes. Well, they haven't been rounded up and put into camps yet!   I'm sure you'll find some Japanese and Germans who are still peeved about that one. 

However, this Mosque thing is just not going over big in the Big Apple, or anywhere else for that matter.  What they must learn is that 9/11 turned New Yorkers into provincial southerners, so to speak.  The Mason Dixon line just got moved to somewhere around 155th street.  

Thankfully, the Islamic world is being given a PR break. 

Deepak Chopra has come to the rescue!!!   Yes, doctor, author, new age medicine guru and F.O.O. [Friend Of Oprah]

He's written a new book!   A book about Islam.  A book about Muhammad!!!   Perfect marketing opportunity!!!

Now, if only no one puts out a Fatwah on him for doing it!


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