Friday, July 30, 2010

Wedding Sirens

Chelsea Clinton is getting married. 

Yes, we've watched the little scamp grow up and now, this darling of the media, our American Royalty, is getting hitched in high-style ($2 million worth).  Actually, I wish Chel well.  I'm sure the money is being well spent on security.  Now, that is something I envy. 

Top secret security!  A wedding so secret, we don't even know where it is!  Rather "cloak & dagger" right? 

Weddings used to be filled with secrets.  The bride hadn't a clue.  Sometimes the groom didn't even know what the bride looked like.  Weddings were affairs that were arranged by families for the good of the parties involved and for the families that were to be joined. 

Today, we let it all hang out.  Bride knows all about the groom, groom, knows all about the bride (and I'm talking biblically).  The only surprise is the personality change that is about to take place after the vows are exchanged.

I think I'd like to have a wedding where there'd be some secretiveness or "cloak & dagger" aspect involved;  guests invited to some secluded location, few details given, security 'borgs looking serious and talking into their cuffs.

Of course, the biggest secret would be - who the groom is.


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