Saturday, September 11, 2010

That's An Awfully Nice Mosque, You've Got There...

I've been thinking, why doesn't New York handle this Mosque thing in good old New York fashion?

Donald Trump seems to have the idea.   Buy them out!      Oh noooo!   That was an insult!! 

Now,  it appears that these guys wouldn't know a good deal if William Shatner came up and smacked them in the head. 


Dear Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf:

What are you thinking????  

Alright, go ahead, build your mosque!  I'm sure you'll have a grand old time getting change permits done in NYC.   Hope you have some deep pockets, because dealing with building anything in NY means you're going to have to grease a lot of palms. 

Those same angry people, the ones you are ignoring right now . . .  Those are the same ones who you are going to be dealing with later.  You know,  when you go down to get the various permits you will need to complete your building, including your fire permits!   

Don't forget the Unions.  You think that the Unions are going to work well with you??  Have you watched the Sopranos??  Really, you shouldn't take it too personally, but yes, this time you can. 

I remember all the talk of rebuilding at ground zero, and thinking.  Ohhhhh boy, this is never going to get done -- building by committee in NEW YORK!!    But, what you have is a committee committed to you not building.  And these people are NEW YORKERS!!! 

Don't bet on being around to see it  finished.

Yeah, go ahead.  Have fun with your new building.  Much like I felt with  Preacher Joe Blow and his pile of Korans, I felt he had every right to do what he proposed to do, but really?!?

As many of my friends can attest to - I can never be accused of not loving muslims!  But, I'm an ecumenical gal -  I embrace men of all faiths.  However, in this instance, I must stand with the survivors, as I kneel with everyone else in rememberance.


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