Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Jack Benny Year Begins

This is it.  39. 



And, even when I say it, many will assume I'm lying.  So, why not go big

In this age of drive-thru cosmetic surgery; Botox, lipposuction, and laser resurfacing, traditional lines of aging have been blurred (nay, laser blasted away).   How the heck are you supposed to know who is what age anyway?   So, where is there advantage in saying you are young, much less - younger then you actually are??  

Say whaaaaat??!!?? 

The common denominator for aging has been sooo pushed back, it just doesn't pay to dumb down your age these days.  If little girls are going in for bikini waxes, boob and nose jobs, and kids - yes KIDS in their 20s are getting BOTOX, it's just not safe for those of us untouched by a scalpel to go about stating our real ages.  Yeah, right.  Who's to believe us anyway? 

So, from now on - I'm taking an entirely new tack.  I'm taking my cues from Molly Shannon,  you remember Sally O'Mally from Saturday Night Live.


"Yeah, I've had some work done.  No, sorry I can't give out the name of my surgeon, he's not taking any more new patients." 

This should be in the realm of believability,  +11 years.    Hmmmm?    

How about - 11??? 

No, nevermind. 

~Daria Gray :-)~


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